Medical examinations of people with a disability to determine medical indications for a hand operated vehicle, as well as to determine medical contraints for driving a vehicle are conducted in medical and social expert commissions
Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated 31.01.2013 № 65/80, Registered by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on February 22, 2013 for № 308/22840 “On approval of the Regulations on medical examination of candidates for drivers and drivers of vehicles”
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 03.12. 2009 № 1317 “Iissues of socio medical assessment”
Name of Department/Ministry; Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
Name of section responsible: The main service center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
website (s):
Wheelchair users, People with walking difficulty, People with vision impairment, People with mental health issues, learning disabilities or other hidden disabilities
In paid and free parking lots of all forms of ownership, near institutions,
organizations, cultural institutions and retail chains.
Availability of specially designated places and free parking
The same concessions available to foreign driving licence holders
opposite the side of the car next to it should be a free space in size, not less than: length – 6.0 m; width – 1.5 m.