Obtaining a licence for people with a disability may be subject to a medical assessment, an occupational therapist driving assessment, and/or a disability driving test. Once an individual has successfully obtained their driving licence, conditions maybe applied to their licence according to their needs. These conditions could include wearing glasses while driving, restricting driving to daylight hours, and vehicle modifications for accessibility. Individuals may also be required to undergo periodic medical assessments.
Requirements for obtaining a licence are subject to National fitness-to-drive standards:
For more information visit the relevant authority
If an individual’s licence includes conditions for vehicle modification, then they must drive a modified vehicle which complies with those conditions. Certain modifications may need to be certified so that they meet safety and accessibility standards. This certification will be subject to the requirements of the state or territory where the vehicle is registered.
In most Australian states and territories, you are able to drive on an overseas licence as long as it is current and you have either an International Driving Permit or an English translation. Visiting drivers with disabilities will be subject to the conditions on their overseas licence. Where these conditions require vehicle modification only a modified vehicle which complies with those conditions may bedriven. Hire companies may offer modified vehicles at their own discretion.
Note that differentstates and territories have different categories which may apply. A Disability Parking Permit is recognised nationally,but must be acquired through a state or territory authority. Once an individual has acquired a Permit, it may be usedwhen travelling to other Australian states and territories. All Australian states and territories include the international wheelchair logo in their permits, publications and parking spaces.
Parking permits are issued to an eligible individual rather than a vehicle.