Slovak Republic


Regulations for people with disabilities to obtain driving licences

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In the Slovak Republic, the medical fitness required to obtain a driving license is governed by Act No. 8/2009 Coll. on Road Traffic. According to Article 86 of this Act:

Medical fitness pertains to both the physical and mental abilities necessary for driving a motor vehicle.
Medical fitness may be contingent upon factors such as using medical devices while driving, driving only modified vehicles, undergoing regular medical examinations, or other restrictions determined by medical evaluation.
Individuals who meet the minimum standards for medical fitness are considered medically fit.
Medical fitness is assessed through a medical examination.
The minimum requirements for physical and mental capacity for obtaining a driving license are outlined in Annex 5 of Decree No. 9/2009 Coll. issued by the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic, which implements the Road Traffic Act. This decree, along with relevant provisions, was developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic.

Vehicle type and adaptation to controls

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A vehicle adapted to be driven by a disabled person must be approved. Approval of this modification of the vehicle must be indicated in the Part II registration certificate.

Responsible Agencies

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Name of Department/Ministry: Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic Name of section responsible: N/A email address for queries: Phone number for queries: N/A website (s):


Eligibility for disability parking cards

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The Slovak Republic’s regulations concerning special vehicle markings and parking permits for individuals with disabilities are outlined in Article 44 of Act No. 8/2009 Coll. on Road Traffic:

1. Special vehicle markings may be used for vehicles driven by individuals with hearing impairments, doctor’s vehicles for healthcare provision, buses transporting children, and vehicles driven by novice drivers.
2. Parking permits may be used for vehicles transporting individuals with severe disabilities who meet specified conditions.
3. The driver must remove the special markings or parking permit if not used for their intended purpose.
4. Authorization to use special markings is confirmed by a special vehicle identification card issued by the relevant district office.
5. The driver must carry the special vehicle identification card while driving the vehicle with special markings.
6. Special markings may only be used in connection with transporting individuals holding the required license.
7. Drivers of vehicles with parking permits are allowed to park in spaces reserved for vehicles transporting persons with severe disabilities, and they are exempt from certain parking restrictions.
8. These regulations also apply to vehicles marked with documents according to the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic.
9. The representation and placement of special markings on vehicles are determined by a binding legal regulation issued by the Ministry of the Interior.

The Act No. 8/2009 Coll., which contains these provisions, can be accessed at the provided link.

Reserved parking space availability

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On street, In municipal car parks, Exemption from the parking fee

depends on the conditions of the car park administrator.

Parking concessions for people with disabilities

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Free parking on-street, Free parking in municipal car parks,

Extended time limit for on-street parking

Park in a reserved place and during parking hours exemption from the obligation to pay.

Other exemption from the parking fee depends on the conditions of the car park administrator.
Some municipality has reserved parking space for which pay of the holder of place.

Application to foreign driving licence holders

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The Slovak Republic recognize Vienna Convention, the same concessions available to individuals with a disability visiting the country

Disability parking spaces

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This area is covered by Decree of the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic No. 532/2002 Coll. laying down details of the general technical requirements for construction works and the general technical requirements for works used by persons with reduced mobility. The text is available in forllowing page:

Responsible Agencies

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Name of Department/Ministry: Central Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family Name of section responsible: N/A email address for queries: phone number for queries: N/A website(s):


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